
Sunday, August 4, 2013

road work

I love hearing Shyloh nicker. It is the sweetest sound never, and it is so rare that she ever does it that it makes it that much sweeter. Well, in the past two days, I think I have heard Shy nicker more than I ever have. 
My pretty girl!
The first time, she nickered twice and I had no idea why. I thought for a half of a second that she was nickering at me, but no, I was not that lucky. I got up to see Isaac coming towards her. Those two have really hit it off! Isaac has the sweetest personality and is so friendly. He is the true meaning of gentle giant. Another time I heard Shy nicker was today after we worked. She looked over at all the horses hanging out as I put her back in the pasture and gave a little nicker. So cute. I think Shy really wants them to accept her in the herd. Right now it is her, Isaac, and Shady or her and Notch, but not everyone together. I saw her today to try and integrate herself while they were all at the round bale. She got angry ears from Clutch and went to graze near them. Shy will get there though. I have faith.

I did work Shy today. I put her on the hitching post and harnessed her up. I wanted to line drive her all around so she can see the rest of the property. While I was putting her harness on, Kyle was behind us cutting drywall with a saw. That did not bother Shy at all. . .yay!

I took Shy to the back of the property, which goes over a small road bridge and little creek. Again, no issue with any of that. Then we went back as far as we could before the soybeans stopped us. . .which wasn't very far.
Beans, as far as the eye can see!
Since a creek crossing was no big deal (in fact, Shy seemed to want to go off the bridge and into the creek), we left that alone because the path was a bit rocky and Shy seemed ouchy on the rocks. I took her out front. The house is on a pretty busy country road which is used by cars, semi trucks, farm equipment, and motorcycles. What better time that to work on desensitizing to the road!
The creek flow pretty loud under the bridge.
I walked Shy up and down the front while cars went by us. Usually, Shy wants to stop when a car goes by, so we worked on keeping her feet moving and under control. Then we worked on being in the road when no traffic was coming. Shy was quite spectacular!
On the road! Even went next to the mailboxes without a problem!
We walked a little bit around the property and through the trees. It was a good line drive, although not without a little argument here and there. But then, it would not be a work session with Shy without an argument. 
Pretty property!
Back in her new herd she went. She seems happy and Kyle had said she was good in the morning. And either Isaac was sharing his oats with her (they are next to each other) or she was stealing his oats. Silly Haflinger, I think she will fit in just fine. 
These three are too cute together!


  1. BIG HIGH five for you and Shy ! Good day for Shy"s mom , Happy horse , happy day :)

  2. Looks like she's settling in really well!
    Can't wait to read what she thinks about it all later today ;)

    1. She is so chill when it comes to certain things, I love it!

  3. Hearing a horse nicker is such a great sound! I can't believe how far you guys have come, I remember when Shy ran away with the cart and now you guys are on the road!!So proud :)

    1. It's the best! We are not carting in the road, yet. Cart is in the process of being fixed, but I think we will be there soon.

  4. Looks like a wonderful place for both of you, look forward to hearing more :-)

    1. It will be nice to have someone being able to see her right outside the bedroom window!


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