
Tuesday, January 21, 2014


As we head into another polar vortex (though not nearly as cold as the first), I have not done anything with Shyloh. No adventures as we await better weather conditions. No arena means that our only options for doing any type of work on in the frozen round pen with winds or the snow covered frozen grounds with winds. No thanks.
Shyloh likes winter! Look at that beard!
So we hang out in the barn. I don't think Shy minds. I hop up on her bareback and she doesn't even lift her head from her little hay snack. I wiggle around and she doesn't care. This used to send her into an anxiety attack of what will happen next??!! I drop stuff off of her, bang my foot into the plastic mounting block and I get no response. Maybe a couple forward steps to reach more hay. I will take that over scoots at mach speed any day. The other day, something scared her and all she did was flinch. She didn't lift her head or move her feet. Good pony. 
She helps clean the barn by removing all dropped pieces of grain. 
Every once in a while I get on a kick where I really want to find out who had her before me. A month or so ago, I thought I had the person. Strangely enough, it was an Amish person on Facebook. How that is possible, I don't know. But in stalking his photos, him and his kids were clearly Amish. In talking with him, the time line was similar, and the horse he was talking about was the darker colored Haflinger instead of the more golden colored. He thought it was her and I sent him a few photos. Turns out it was not. I was pretty bummed. I would just like to know who had her before they took her to the auction. Maybe get a baby photo. . .that would be cute. 
Fuzzy ball!
I am diligently looking for a saddle. The Tuckers are quite expensive, even used. Right now, I can't justify a large purchase like that. Other than that, I am working hard on my series. I have a ton of great Haflingers coming up that do all kinds of things and I am excited to post! I am also reading some great Haflinger books from back in the day. They have some really cool photos of Haflingers in the Alps, so if anyone is interested in seeing those and reading some more Haflinger history, I am more than happy to share!


  1. Replies
    1. Me too! It hasn't been easy, especially when the auction won't help.

  2. I hope you can find more information and possibly cute baby pictures.

    1. Me too! But I am doubtful. Pretty sure she came from an Amish farm and pretty sure they don't take pictures. But I can dream!

  3. That first picture looks like Shy got her lip stuck to the frozen gate, a la Christmas Story lol. Good luck uncovering her history - baby pix would be awesome. :D

    1. It does! But it must be the angle, she wasn't even that close to it.

  4. If it makes you feel better I don't have any baby pictures either, just a few of my parents, siblings n foals. But, like you I gots a great home with lotsa hay and that's what really counts :)

    1. Lucky you have those :) But you are so right. . .I often forget and get focused on something that really doesn't matter as much. Thanks for the perspective :)

  5. Had the same thought about the first picture as Calm, Straight, forward.

    1. Too funny! I posted that photo on Facebook and a few people thought the same thing, too!


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