
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

hump day haflinger series #3

Emilie is a fellow blogger over at A Blonde, A Brunette, and A Redhead, where she blogs about her awesome Haflinger and cute Corgi.  She started riding dressage at 10 and fell in love with Haflingers four years later. She read books, did some research, and drooled at photos of them online, in place of her actually having a golden pony. The first Haflinger she ever saw was the amazing Star Wars TOF in her home state of Washington before he gained fame as a Grand Prix horse. When she went to college in Kentucky, she rode her first Haflinger for her college equestrian team. Once she graduated, Emilie got her dream job as the head trainer at Deer Haven Farm in Kentucky. She met her Haflinger as a yearling and has done all of his training herself. 
Abercrombie and Emilie
Haflinger: Abercrombie of Deer Haven or Abercrombie. Also Fabio because of he gorgeous hair. 
Sire and Dam: Alex NHH x Larissa of Cedar Lane (Aristocrat TOF x Legendary WBF)
Age: 5 year old gelding
Height: 14.2 hh
Favorite Food: Everything! But especially peppermints.
Personality: Abercrombie is a laid-back, smart, and playful horse. When he is giving lessons to kids he tends to be more slow and relaxed, but when Emilie rides he unleashes his energy!
Likes: Eating hay. If he got grain, it would probably be eating grain, but he doesn't get any. 
Discipline: Up and coming Dressage show horse. I think they are going to be great, so watch out for them in the near future. Abercrombie also does a little jumping, bareback riding, and he gives lessons to kids. 

Dressage is ridden by one horse/rider pair at a time in a letter arena. The pair has to perform movements or a specific pattern and is scored (0-10) based on how well those movements were executed. A percentage is then given and that is how placings are set.
Emilie has taken lessons in hunt seat, jumping, reining, and a little bit of vaulting and driving. She has not yet taken Abercrombie to any shows, but look out 2014! Her main goal is to show him at Grand Prix level Dressage. For the upcoming year, Emilie plans on continuing to school Training Level and work on First and Second Level movements. She hopes to be showing First Level and schooling all of Second Level by the end of 2014. 

In addition her her Dressage goals, Emilie would like to keep jumping and teaching lessons with Abercrombie, as well as teaching him a few tricks. One of her other big goals is to compete in Dressage while riding Side Saddle. 
Yeah, he IS a Fabio!
I wish nothing but the very best for Emilie and Abercrombie. They are a great team who are doing some great things together. Check out her blog to see her progress with Abercrombie as they make their way through the levels of Dressage!


  1. Replies
    1. Oh, and can I also give a shout-out to my friends at Amanda Leigh Photography and Allison Wolff Photography for the awesome photos? <3

  2. We really like her blog lots. Sorry, we don't comment much there though. The fact that she loves Haflinger (like me) & Corgis (like all of us here) means she's a wonnerful person & great blogger :)

  3. Very cool!! Love her blog too!!! Thanks for all the Haffy fun!!

  4. Oh my , does Shy have a poster of that handsome fellow up in her stall ! :))

  5. Cannot get enough Haffies (or corgis) on my blog list... *mosey*

  6. Oh, another Haffie?!?! Must check it out! Thanks for sharing the Haffie love!

  7. I love the way the pictures show the motion of his mane - so cool!


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